When the global agricultural economy was taking shape, some changes took place in west Punjab also. For example, the British government in India built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands for production of wheat and cotton for export. The CanRead more
When the global agricultural economy was taking shape, some changes took place in west Punjab also. For example, the British government in India built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands for production of wheat and cotton for export. The Canal Colonies came into existence. These colonies were settled by peasants from other parts of Punjab.
By the end of the 19th century, a global agricultural economy had taken shape. It has the following features: (l) There were changes in labour movement patterns, capital flows, ecologies and technology. (ii) The food requirement was met from places that were thousands of miles away. For example, theRead more
By the end of the 19th century, a global agricultural economy had taken shape. It has the following features:
(l) There were changes in labour movement patterns, capital flows, ecologies and technology.
(ii) The food requirement was met from places that were thousands of miles away. For example, the British demand for more food was met by expansion of food production in Eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia.
(iii) The work in a field was not done by a peasant titling his own land but by an agricultural worker working on a large farm which was a forest earlier.
(iv) Agricultural produce was transported by railways and ships.
(v) Low paid workers from other distant places such as Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean were employed in the ships and railways.
(vi) In addition to food, the cultivation of cotton also expanded worldwide to fulfil the needs of the British textile mills.
(vii) Regional specialisation developed so rapidly that between 1820 and 1914 the world trade multiplied 25 to 40 times. Nearby 60 per cent of this trade was of agriculture products such as wheat and cotton and mineral as coal.
(a) Globalisation generally refers to an economic system that has emerged since the last 50 years or so (b) Three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange are as given below :(i) Flow of trade i.e., trade in goods e.g., cloth or wheat. (ii) Flow of labour i.e., the migratioRead more
(a) Globalisation generally refers to an economic system that has emerged since the last 50 years or so
(b) Three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange are as given below :(i) Flow of trade i.e., trade in goods e.g., cloth or wheat.
(ii) Flow of labour i.e., the migration of people in search of employment.
(iii) Flow or movement of capital for short-term or long-term investments over long distances.
(c) India and Indians were involved in above types of flow or movements within international economic exchange. Firstly, a network of irrigation canals was set up in India to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands. Thus, more wheat and cotton were grown for export. Secondly, there was flow of labour in search of employment. In India, indentured migrants were hired under contracts which promised return travel to India after they had worked for five years on their employer’s plantation. Thirdly, in case of flow or movement of capital for short-term or long-term investments over long distances the Indians such as Shikaripuri Shroffs and Nattukottai Chettiars were amongst the many groups of bankers and traders who financed export agriculture in Central and Southeast Asia.
. Lands were cleared and food production was expanded to meet demand for more food but it was not enough because there was need for secondary and tertiary activities as given below: (i) Railways' services were required to link the agricultural regions to the ports. (ii) New harbours had to be builtRead more
. Lands were cleared and food production was expanded to meet demand for more food but it was not enough because there was need for secondary and tertiary activities as given below:
(i) Railways’ services were required to link the agricultural regions to the ports.
(ii) New harbours had to be built and old ones expanded to ship the new cargoes.
(iii) People had to settle on the lands to bring them under cultivation.
(iv) These activities required labour and capital which came from financial centers such as London” The demand for labour led to migration of people from Europe to America and Australia. About 150 million people in the world migrated in search of a better future. ‘Ihus the demand for more food led to the flow of capital and labour all over the world.
(a) The Corn Laws were laws that allowed the government to restrict the import of corn. (b) In Britain, population growth in the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for food grains. As urban centres expanded and industry grew, the demand for agricultural products increased leading to riRead more
(a) The Corn Laws were laws that allowed the government to restrict the import of corn.
(b) In Britain, population growth in the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for food grains. As urban centres expanded and industry grew, the demand for agricultural products increased leading to rise in food grain prices. The landed group put pressure on the government to restrict the import of Corn.
(c) After the abolition of the Corn Laws, food could be imported cheaply. British agriculture could not compete with imports. Thus, vast areas of land were left uncultivated and unemployment increased. They flocked to the cities for jobs or migrated overseas. This also led to lowering in the living standard and social conflict.
(d) From mid-nineteenth century faster industrial growth in Britain led to higher income and more foods were imported. To meet this demand, lands were cleared around the world in eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia.
Give an example of change in west Punjab agricultural making it a part of global agricultural economy in the last decade of the nineteenth century.
When the global agricultural economy was taking shape, some changes took place in west Punjab also. For example, the British government in India built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands for production of wheat and cotton for export. The CanRead more
When the global agricultural economy was taking shape, some changes took place in west Punjab also. For example, the British government in India built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands for production of wheat and cotton for export. The Canal Colonies came into existence. These colonies were settled by peasants from other parts of Punjab.
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Explain three major features of global agricultural economy that had taken shape towards the close of century.
By the end of the 19th century, a global agricultural economy had taken shape. It has the following features: (l) There were changes in labour movement patterns, capital flows, ecologies and technology. (ii) The food requirement was met from places that were thousands of miles away. For example, theRead more
By the end of the 19th century, a global agricultural economy had taken shape. It has the following features:
See less(l) There were changes in labour movement patterns, capital flows, ecologies and technology.
(ii) The food requirement was met from places that were thousands of miles away. For example, the British demand for more food was met by expansion of food production in Eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia.
(iii) The work in a field was not done by a peasant titling his own land but by an agricultural worker working on a large farm which was a forest earlier.
(iv) Agricultural produce was transported by railways and ships.
(v) Low paid workers from other distant places such as Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean were employed in the ships and railways.
(vi) In addition to food, the cultivation of cotton also expanded worldwide to fulfil the needs of the British textile mills.
(vii) Regional specialisation developed so rapidly that between 1820 and 1914 the world trade multiplied 25 to 40 times. Nearby 60 per cent of this trade was of agriculture products such as wheat and cotton and mineral as coal.
Explain the three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange. Find one example of each type of flow which involved India and Indians, and write a short account of it.
(a) Globalisation generally refers to an economic system that has emerged since the last 50 years or so (b) Three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange are as given below :(i) Flow of trade i.e., trade in goods e.g., cloth or wheat. (ii) Flow of labour i.e., the migratioRead more
(a) Globalisation generally refers to an economic system that has emerged since the last 50 years or so
(b) Three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange are as given below :(i) Flow of trade i.e., trade in goods e.g., cloth or wheat.
(ii) Flow of labour i.e., the migration of people in search of employment.
(iii) Flow or movement of capital for short-term or long-term investments over long distances.
(c) India and Indians were involved in above types of flow or movements within international economic exchange. Firstly, a network of irrigation canals was set up in India to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands. Thus, more wheat and cotton were grown for export. Secondly, there was flow of labour in search of employment. In India, indentured migrants were hired under contracts which promised return travel to India after they had worked for five years on their employer’s plantation. Thirdly, in case of flow or movement of capital for short-term or long-term investments over long distances the Indians such as Shikaripuri Shroffs and Nattukottai Chettiars were amongst the many groups of bankers and traders who financed export agriculture in Central and Southeast Asia.
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From mid-nineteenth century, how the demand for more food led to the flow of capital and labour all over the world?
. Lands were cleared and food production was expanded to meet demand for more food but it was not enough because there was need for secondary and tertiary activities as given below: (i) Railways' services were required to link the agricultural regions to the ports. (ii) New harbours had to be builtRead more
. Lands were cleared and food production was expanded to meet demand for more food but it was not enough because there was need for secondary and tertiary activities as given below:
(i) Railways’ services were required to link the agricultural regions to the ports.
(ii) New harbours had to be built and old ones expanded to ship the new cargoes.
(iii) People had to settle on the lands to bring them under cultivation.
(iv) These activities required labour and capital which came from financial centers such as London” The demand for labour led to migration of people from Europe to America and Australia. About 150 million people in the world migrated in search of a better future. ‘Ihus the demand for more food led to the flow of capital and labour all over the world.
for more answers vist to:
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What were Corn Laws? Why were these laws abolished? How did the abolition of ‘Corn Laws’ affect the people of England? How was the food problem solved by Britain after scrapping the Corn Laws? Explain.
(a) The Corn Laws were laws that allowed the government to restrict the import of corn. (b) In Britain, population growth in the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for food grains. As urban centres expanded and industry grew, the demand for agricultural products increased leading to riRead more
(a) The Corn Laws were laws that allowed the government to restrict the import of corn.
(b) In Britain, population growth in the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for food grains. As urban centres expanded and industry grew, the demand for agricultural products increased leading to rise in food grain prices. The landed group put pressure on the government to restrict the import of Corn.
(c) After the abolition of the Corn Laws, food could be imported cheaply. British agriculture could not compete with imports. Thus, vast areas of land were left uncultivated and unemployment increased. They flocked to the cities for jobs or migrated overseas. This also led to lowering in the living standard and social conflict.
(d) From mid-nineteenth century faster industrial growth in Britain led to higher income and more foods were imported. To meet this demand, lands were cleared around the world in eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia.
for more answers vist to:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/social-science/history/chapter-1/