Air pollution is degradation of the quality of air due to addition of natural or human made particulate matter, gases and vapours that have an adverse effect on humans, animals and vegetation.
Air pollution is degradation of the quality of air due to addition of natural or human made particulate matter, gases and vapours that have an adverse effect on humans, animals and vegetation.
Air contains oxygen. The latter is needed by most organisms and plants for all respiration to go on. It is, therefore, rightly called the breath of life.
Air contains oxygen. The latter is needed by most organisms and plants for all respiration to go on. It is, therefore, rightly called the breath of life.
What is smog?
Smog is opaque dark brown or greyish mist occurring in cold weather reducing visibility and affecting living organisms.
Smog is opaque dark brown or greyish mist occurring in cold weather reducing visibility and affecting living organisms.
See lessDefine air pollution.
Air pollution is degradation of the quality of air due to addition of natural or human made particulate matter, gases and vapours that have an adverse effect on humans, animals and vegetation.
Air pollution is degradation of the quality of air due to addition of natural or human made particulate matter, gases and vapours that have an adverse effect on humans, animals and vegetation.
See lessWhy air is called “breath of life”?
Air contains oxygen. The latter is needed by most organisms and plants for all respiration to go on. It is, therefore, rightly called the breath of life.
Air contains oxygen. The latter is needed by most organisms and plants for all respiration to go on. It is, therefore, rightly called the breath of life.
See lessWhat is the major component of atmosphere of Earth and Mars/Venus?
The major component of atmosphere of Earth is nitrogen (78.08%) while that of Mars and Venus is carbon dioxide (95-97%).
The major component of atmosphere of Earth is nitrogen (78.08%) while that of Mars and Venus is carbon dioxide (95-97%).
See lessName one (1) Inexhaustible resource, (2) Renewable exhaustible resource (3) Non renewable exhaustible resource
(1) Inexhaustible resource: Air (2) Renewable exhaustible resource: Forests (3) Non-renewable exhaustible resource: Fossil fuels.
(1) Inexhaustible resource: Air
See less(2) Renewable exhaustible resource: Forests
(3) Non-renewable exhaustible resource: Fossil fuels.