Milk becomes sour due to bacteria. When bacteria such as Lactobacillus ferment the lactose in milk, they produce lactic acid. This acid causes the milk to curdle and become sour. Bacterial action is a natural process in the souring of ...
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Lactobacillus is the microorganism used in making curd. It ferments lactose, the sugar in milk, to produce lactic acid, which curdles the milk and gives curd its characteristic texture and tangy taste. This process is known as lactic acid fermentation.
Refrigeration helps in food preservation by reducing the rate of biochemical reactions. It slows down the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, thereby extending the shelf life of food and maintaining its quality.
Azotobacter is the free-living bacteria that increases the yield of paddy in the soil. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen into forms that are accessible to plants, thereby enhancing soil fertility and supporting crop growth.
Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria. Specifically, the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for the disease, which primarily affects the lungs but can also impact other parts of the body.
Leghemoglobin functions in nitrogen fixation by absorbing oxygen. It creates a low-oxygen environment in the root nodules, which is necessary for the nitrogen-fixing enzyme nitrogenase to function effectively and fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Beans are helpful in nitrogen fixation. They form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant and enriching the soil.
If one bacterial cell divides every 20 minutes, it will divide six times in two hours (120 minutes). Since each division doubles the number of bacteria, the original cell will result in 2 power 6 = 64 bacteria. Therefore, the ...
Antibiotics are mostly obtained from bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms naturally produce antibiotics to inhibit the growth of competing bacteria and other microbes. Some well-known antibiotics, such as penicillin, are derived from fungi.
Food poisoning is caused by Salmonella typhosa, a bacteria that can contaminate food and cause symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. It is commonly found in poultry, eggs, and other foods and spreads through poor hygiene or undercooked ...