Longitude measures the distance east or west from the Prime Meridian, 0°. It helps calculate time zones by determining the local time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth question answer Class ...
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Latitude is the angular distance of a place north or south of the equator, measured in degrees. Parallels of latitude help identify a location’s position relative to the equator. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth question ...
Here’s and improved map of the school’s playground. It includes: A football field marked with dash green lines. Basketball court marked with dotted Orange lines. Goals and hoops indicated with blue and red lines respectively. Trees represented by Green crosses. Class ...
Create a rough sketch of your locality, marking key places like your home, school, and park. Use cardinal directions and map symbols to indicate features like roads, trees, and water bodies. Class 6 NCERT Social Science India and the World: Land ...
Correct: The museum is southeast of the bank, and the lake is northwest of the apartment blocks. Incorrect: The market is not north of the hospital, and the railway station is not northwest. Class 6 NCERT Social Science India and the ...