Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a vision condition where distant objects appear blurry due to the elongation of the eyeball. Corrective lenses or surgery can help manage myopia. Regular eye exams are essential.
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Reflex actions are involuntary, rapid responses to stimuli, bypassing conscious control. They occur to protect the body and ensure survival, involving the spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
The upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, including the thermosphere and exosphere, extend beyond the mesosphere. They contain sparse air molecules and play a crucial role in phenomena like auroras.
A heating element is a device that converts electrical energy into heat. It is commonly used in appliances like stoves, toasters, and water heaters to generate the necessary warmth.
Electrical energy is a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (electrons). It powers electronic devices and is generated from various sources, including fossil fuels, renewables, and nuclear.
Cross-pollination is a plant reproduction process where pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organ of one flower to the female reproductive organ of another, enhancing genetic diversity.
Isomers are molecules with the same chemical formula but different structures. Structural isomers differ in arrangement, geometric isomers have different spatial arrangements, and stereoisomers have the same connectivity but differ in spatial arrangement.
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is a synthetic pesticide once widely used to control insect-borne diseases like malaria. Its environmental persistence and harmful effects led to bans in many countries.
Examples of asexually reproducing species include bacteria (binary fission), plants (runners, bulbs), and some animals (parthenogenesis). Offspring inherit genetic material from a single parent, lacking genetic variation.