Dalton was the first scientist to use symbols for elements in a very specific sense.
Mansi kumari Yadav/Questions
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Mansi kumari Yadav
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Atoms make up our entire world, constantly affecting everything we do, even though they are invisible to us.
Mansi kumari Yadav
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Similar to how a mason builds walls and rooms to form a building, atoms combine and organize to form molecules and structures, creating the vast array of matter in the universe.
Mansi kumari Yadav
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
More than millions of atoms would be needed to make a layer barely as thick as a wright.
Mansi kumari Yadav
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Just as a small grain of sand is the building block of an ant-hill, atoms serve as the building blocks of matter.