1. Meena made paper boats. What else can you make with paper? Discuss in small groups. 2. What games do you play with your friends? Which one do you like the most? Why? NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor) Class 3 ...
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1. What was Meena playing with? 2. Meena was angry. Why? 3. How did Meena help the boy? NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor) Page no. 58 & 59 Question no. A (1,2,3) NEP 2020
1. Name the toys in the toy shop. 2. What toy did the little boy request his mother to buy him? There are a lot of toys in the toy store and children are buying them. NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor)
1. Where do you play? 2. What games do you play outside? 3. What happens if we are not careful while playing outside? NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor) Chapter 4 Out in the Garden Page no. 41 Question no. B(1,2,3)
1. What are the children doing with the ball? 2. How are children playing with the kite? 3. Where are the children playing? Children are playing various games in the garden. NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor) Chapter 4 Out in ...
Class 3 NCERT 2024-25 English Book Santoor Unit 3 Chapter 3 Best Friends Page no. 29 Question no. 6 NEP 2020
1. Who were the four friends? 2. Why were they fighting? 3. Who helped them to end their fight? 4. What lesson did the friends learn in the end? NCERT Class 3 English (Santoor) Chapter 3 Page no. 29 Question First
leaf flew branch climbed fell stream hunter A dove was resting on a ___________ of a tree ...
1. Do you remember when you fell down last time? How did you fall? Who picked you up? Share your experiences. 2. Do you have a pet? Do you know someone who has a pet? 3. If you were allowed ...
1. What did Badal come across by the side of the road? 2. What did Badal and his mother’s name the puppy? 3. What did Badal fall into? 4. How did Moti find Badal? Badal found a puppy, Moti, whom he ...