When the box was opened, Mij went out of the box. He disappeared at a high speed down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks. There were cries all around. A woman stood up on her seat screaming that there was a rat. He saw Mij’s tail disappearing beneath the legs of a portly white-turbaned IndRead more
When the box was opened, Mij went out of the box. He disappeared at a high speed down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks. There were cries all around. A woman stood up on her seat screaming that there was a rat. He saw Mij’s tail disappearing beneath the legs of a portly white-turbaned Indian passenger. He dived for it, but missed. The airhostess suggested him to be seated and that she would find the animal and bring it back to him. After a while, Mij had returned to him. It climbed on his knee and began to rub its nose on his face and neck.
Maxwell thought it was better to keep an otter instead of a dog. Camusfearna, ringed by water a very short distance from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for the experiment. For more answers visit to website: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chRead more
Maxwell thought it was better to keep an otter instead of a dog. Camusfearna, ringed by water a very short distance from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for the experiment.
Maxwell went to Basra, to the Consulate-General to collect and answer his mail from Europe. He had to wait for three days before anything could happen. It took him a waiting period of five days. His mail didn’t reach on time. The call had to be booked 24 hours in advance in those times. Then he trieRead more
Maxwell went to Basra, to the Consulate-General to collect and answer his mail from Europe. He had to wait for three days before anything could happen. It took him a waiting period of five days. His mail didn’t reach on time. The call had to be booked 24 hours in advance in those times. Then he tried to make a telephone call but telephone line was not working properly on the first day. Next day it was some public holiday so it was not operational. Finally after a tortuous wait of five days his mail arrived.
When he finally received his mail after waiting for five long days, he carried it to his bedroom to read. There, he saw two Arabs squatting on the floor and beside them was a sack that squirmed from time to time. They handed him a note from his friend saying that he had sent him an otter. Yes likedRead more
When he finally received his mail after waiting for five long days, he carried it to his bedroom to read. There, he saw two Arabs squatting on the floor and beside them was a sack that squirmed from time to time. They handed him a note from his friend saying that he had sent him an otter. Yes liked otter. We know this because he uses the term ‘otter fixation’ to refer to his feeling towards the otter. He felt that this otter fixation or this strong attachment towards otters was something that was shared by most other people who had ever owned one.
The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length named by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli or Maxwell’s otter. For more answers visit to website: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/
The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length named by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli or Maxwell’s otter.
What happened when the box was opened?
When the box was opened, Mij went out of the box. He disappeared at a high speed down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks. There were cries all around. A woman stood up on her seat screaming that there was a rat. He saw Mij’s tail disappearing beneath the legs of a portly white-turbaned IndRead more
When the box was opened, Mij went out of the box. He disappeared at a high speed down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks. There were cries all around. A woman stood up on her seat screaming that there was a rat. He saw Mij’s tail disappearing beneath the legs of a portly white-turbaned Indian passenger. He dived for it, but missed. The airhostess suggested him to be seated and that she would find the animal and bring it back to him. After a while, Mij had returned to him. It climbed on his knee and began to rub its nose on his face and neck.
For more answers visit to website:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/
What “experiment” did Maxwell think Camusfearna would be suitable for?
Maxwell thought it was better to keep an otter instead of a dog. Camusfearna, ringed by water a very short distance from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for the experiment. For more answers visit to website: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chRead more
Maxwell thought it was better to keep an otter instead of a dog. Camusfearna, ringed by water a very short distance from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for the experiment.
For more answers visit to website:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/
Why does he go to Basra? How long does he wait there, and why?
Maxwell went to Basra, to the Consulate-General to collect and answer his mail from Europe. He had to wait for three days before anything could happen. It took him a waiting period of five days. His mail didn’t reach on time. The call had to be booked 24 hours in advance in those times. Then he trieRead more
Maxwell went to Basra, to the Consulate-General to collect and answer his mail from Europe. He had to wait for three days before anything could happen. It took him a waiting period of five days. His mail didn’t reach on time. The call had to be booked 24 hours in advance in those times. Then he tried to make a telephone call but telephone line was not working properly on the first day. Next day it was some public holiday so it was not operational. Finally after a tortuous wait of five days his mail arrived.
For more answers visit to website:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/
How does he get the otter? Does he like it? Pick out the words that tell you this.
When he finally received his mail after waiting for five long days, he carried it to his bedroom to read. There, he saw two Arabs squatting on the floor and beside them was a sack that squirmed from time to time. They handed him a note from his friend saying that he had sent him an otter. Yes likedRead more
When he finally received his mail after waiting for five long days, he carried it to his bedroom to read. There, he saw two Arabs squatting on the floor and beside them was a sack that squirmed from time to time. They handed him a note from his friend saying that he had sent him an otter. Yes liked otter. We know this because he uses the term ‘otter fixation’ to refer to his feeling towards the otter. He felt that this otter fixation or this strong attachment towards otters was something that was shared by most other people who had ever owned one.
For more answers visit to website:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/
Why was the otter named “Maxwell’s otter”?
The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length named by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli or Maxwell’s otter. For more answers visit to website: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/
The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length named by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli or Maxwell’s otter.
For more answers visit to website:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-10/english/first-flight-chapter-8/