The Newton’s second law of motion, can be expressed as – Force ∝ change in momentum/time taken or, F ∝ mv-mu/t or, F ∝ m(v-u)/t or, F ∝ ma or, F = kma [where k is constant] But the value ...
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Jay Chand
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
When a horse pushes the ground backwards (as action), then ground forces back the horse (as reaction) in forward direction. Due to this, the horse is able to pull a Tanga in forward direction.
Jay Chand
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
If, m = 1 kg, F = 1 N, then, F = ma Or, 1 N = 1 kg x a Or, a = 1 N/ 1 kg = 1 kg – ms⁻²/ 1 kg = 1 ms⁻²