Farmers can explore alternative pest control methods such as mechanical weed removal (e.g., using cultivators or hand-weeding), introducing beneficial insects or predators to control pest populations, employing trap crops to attract pests away from main crops, practicing crop rotation, and ...
Jai Bhagwan Das JI/Questions
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Jai Bhagwan Das JI
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Farmers can adopt integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that combine the use of pesticides with other pest control methods such as crop rotation, biological control, and cultural practices. Additionally, they can use pesticides judiciously, following recommended application rates and timing, ...
Jai Bhagwan Das JI
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Jai Bhagwan Das JI
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Jai Bhagwan Das JI
Asked: In: Class 9 Science