It is the payment in money received for performing work or services. Explanation: Examples include salaries for employees or fees for professionals. For more please visit here:
It is the payment in money received for performing work or services.
Explanation: Examples include salaries for employees or fees for professionals.
A technician’s work is an economic activity. Explanation: It involves specialized skills compensated through salary or wages. For more please visit here:
A technician’s work is an economic activity.
Explanation: It involves specialized skills compensated through salary or wages.
They strengthen social bonds and preserve cultural heritage. Explanation: Even without monetary value, these activities enrich communal life and identity. For more please visit here:
They strengthen social bonds and preserve cultural heritage.
Explanation: Even without monetary value, these activities enrich communal life and identity.
A market is a place where goods and services are exchanged, typically for money. Explanation: It can be physical or virtual, facilitating economic transactions like buying and selling. For more please visit here:
A market is a place where goods and services are exchanged, typically for money.
Explanation: It can be physical or virtual, facilitating economic transactions like buying and selling.
It is done as a personal or family responsibility without monetary exchange. Explanation: Such activities prioritize care and sustenance over profit. For more please visit here:
It is done as a personal or family responsibility without monetary exchange.
Explanation: Such activities prioritize care and sustenance over profit.
Farmers grow crops, rear livestock, and sell produce in markets. Explanation: These are economic activities contributing to food supply and income generation. For more please visit here:
Farmers grow crops, rear livestock, and sell produce in markets.
Explanation: These are economic activities contributing to food supply and income generation.
Motivations include love, gratitude, social responsibility, and personal satisfaction. Explanation: These activities, though not monetized, enrich personal and community lives. For more please visit here:
Motivations include love, gratitude, social responsibility, and personal satisfaction.
Explanation: These activities, though not monetized, enrich personal and community lives.
It enhances the market value of products, boosting trade and profitability. Explanation: Converting raw materials into finished goods increases their worth, like turning wood into furniture. For more please visit here:
It enhances the market value of products, boosting trade and profitability.
Explanation: Converting raw materials into finished goods increases their worth, like turning wood into furniture.
Compensation includes salaries, wages, fees, or payment in kind. Explanation: These ensure fair exchange for the work or services provided. For more please visit here:
Compensation includes salaries, wages, fees, or payment in kind.
Explanation: These ensure fair exchange for the work or services provided.
Because it is done out of love and responsibility without financial exchange. Explanation: It emphasizes personal bonds rather than monetary value. For more please visit here:
Because it is done out of love and responsibility without financial exchange.
Explanation: It emphasizes personal bonds rather than monetary value.
What is monetary compensation?
It is the payment in money received for performing work or services. Explanation: Examples include salaries for employees or fees for professionals. For more please visit here:
It is the payment in money received for performing work or services.
Explanation: Examples include salaries for employees or fees for professionals.
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How is a technicians work classified?
A technician’s work is an economic activity. Explanation: It involves specialized skills compensated through salary or wages. For more please visit here:
A technician’s work is an economic activity.
Explanation: It involves specialized skills compensated through salary or wages.
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Why are community festivals valuable despite being non-economic?
They strengthen social bonds and preserve cultural heritage. Explanation: Even without monetary value, these activities enrich communal life and identity. For more please visit here:
They strengthen social bonds and preserve cultural heritage.
Explanation: Even without monetary value, these activities enrich communal life and identity.
For more please visit here:
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What is a market?
A market is a place where goods and services are exchanged, typically for money. Explanation: It can be physical or virtual, facilitating economic transactions like buying and selling. For more please visit here:
A market is a place where goods and services are exchanged, typically for money.
Explanation: It can be physical or virtual, facilitating economic transactions like buying and selling.
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Why is cooking food at home not considered an economic activity?
It is done as a personal or family responsibility without monetary exchange. Explanation: Such activities prioritize care and sustenance over profit. For more please visit here:
It is done as a personal or family responsibility without monetary exchange.
Explanation: Such activities prioritize care and sustenance over profit.
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What are some examples of activities performed by farmers?
Farmers grow crops, rear livestock, and sell produce in markets. Explanation: These are economic activities contributing to food supply and income generation. For more please visit here:
Farmers grow crops, rear livestock, and sell produce in markets.
Explanation: These are economic activities contributing to food supply and income generation.
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What motivates people to participate in non-economic activities?
Motivations include love, gratitude, social responsibility, and personal satisfaction. Explanation: These activities, though not monetized, enrich personal and community lives. For more please visit here:
Motivations include love, gratitude, social responsibility, and personal satisfaction.
Explanation: These activities, though not monetized, enrich personal and community lives.
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How does value addition affect the economy?
It enhances the market value of products, boosting trade and profitability. Explanation: Converting raw materials into finished goods increases their worth, like turning wood into furniture. For more please visit here:
It enhances the market value of products, boosting trade and profitability.
Explanation: Converting raw materials into finished goods increases their worth, like turning wood into furniture.
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What are the different types of compensation for economic activities?
Compensation includes salaries, wages, fees, or payment in kind. Explanation: These ensure fair exchange for the work or services provided. For more please visit here:
Compensation includes salaries, wages, fees, or payment in kind.
Explanation: These ensure fair exchange for the work or services provided.
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Why is teaching children at home considered a non-economic activity?
Because it is done out of love and responsibility without financial exchange. Explanation: It emphasizes personal bonds rather than monetary value. For more please visit here:
Because it is done out of love and responsibility without financial exchange.
Explanation: It emphasizes personal bonds rather than monetary value.
For more please visit here:
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