The world’s largest island. Explanation: Located in the Arctic, it is larger than any state in India. For more please visit here:
The world’s largest island.
Explanation: Located in the Arctic, it is larger than any state in India.
Marine ecosystems formed by coral polyps. Explanation: They support diverse marine life but are vulnerable to climate change. For more please visit here:
Marine ecosystems formed by coral polyps.
Explanation: They support diverse marine life but are vulnerable to climate change.
It affected 14 countries, killing over 2 lakh people. Explanation: Triggered by an earthquake, it severely impacted India. For more please visit here:
It affected 14 countries, killing over 2 lakh people.
Explanation: Triggered by an earthquake, it severely impacted India.
It supports agriculture, replenishes freshwater, and sustains ecosystems. Explanation: Rainfall forms part of the water cycle driven by oceans. For more please visit here:
It supports agriculture, replenishes freshwater, and sustains ecosystems.
Explanation: Rainfall forms part of the water cycle driven by oceans.
They produce over half of the world's oxygen. Explanation: This is mainly due to phytoplankton and marine flora. For more please visit here:
They produce over half of the world’s oxygen.
Explanation: This is mainly due to phytoplankton and marine flora.
They share water, marine life, and currents. Explanation: There are no natural barriers separating them. For more please visit here:
They share water, marine life, and currents.
Explanation: There are no natural barriers separating them.
Southern Ocean. Explanation: It encircles Antarctica and connects with other oceans. For more please visit here:
Southern Ocean.
Explanation: It encircles Antarctica and connects with other oceans.
Africa, Asia, and South America. Explanation: They straddle the Equator, extending into both hemispheres. For more please visit here:
Africa, Asia, and South America.
Explanation: They straddle the Equator, extending into both hemispheres.
Asia to the north, Africa to the west, Australia to the east, Southern Ocean to the south. Explanation: These define its geographical extent. For more please visit here:
Asia to the north, Africa to the west, Australia to the east, Southern Ocean to the south.
Explanation: These define its geographical extent.
Less than 3% of Earth's water is freshwater. Explanation: Freshwater is found in glaciers, rivers, and underground sources. For more please visit here:
Less than 3% of Earth’s water is freshwater.
Explanation: Freshwater is found in glaciers, rivers, and underground sources.
What is Greenland?
The world’s largest island. Explanation: Located in the Arctic, it is larger than any state in India. For more please visit here:
The world’s largest island.
Explanation: Located in the Arctic, it is larger than any state in India.
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What are coral reefs?
Marine ecosystems formed by coral polyps. Explanation: They support diverse marine life but are vulnerable to climate change. For more please visit here:
Marine ecosystems formed by coral polyps.
Explanation: They support diverse marine life but are vulnerable to climate change.
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What happened during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami?
It affected 14 countries, killing over 2 lakh people. Explanation: Triggered by an earthquake, it severely impacted India. For more please visit here:
It affected 14 countries, killing over 2 lakh people.
Explanation: Triggered by an earthquake, it severely impacted India.
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What is the importance of rainfall from oceans?
It supports agriculture, replenishes freshwater, and sustains ecosystems. Explanation: Rainfall forms part of the water cycle driven by oceans. For more please visit here:
It supports agriculture, replenishes freshwater, and sustains ecosystems.
Explanation: Rainfall forms part of the water cycle driven by oceans.
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Why are oceans called the planets lungs?
They produce over half of the world's oxygen. Explanation: This is mainly due to phytoplankton and marine flora. For more please visit here:
They produce over half of the world’s oxygen.
Explanation: This is mainly due to phytoplankton and marine flora.
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Why are oceans interconnected?
They share water, marine life, and currents. Explanation: There are no natural barriers separating them. For more please visit here:
They share water, marine life, and currents.
Explanation: There are no natural barriers separating them.
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Which ocean surrounds Antarctica?
Southern Ocean. Explanation: It encircles Antarctica and connects with other oceans. For more please visit here:
Southern Ocean.
Explanation: It encircles Antarctica and connects with other oceans.
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Which continents are in both hemispheres?
Africa, Asia, and South America. Explanation: They straddle the Equator, extending into both hemispheres. For more please visit here:
Africa, Asia, and South America.
Explanation: They straddle the Equator, extending into both hemispheres.
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What are the boundaries of the Indian Ocean?
Asia to the north, Africa to the west, Australia to the east, Southern Ocean to the south. Explanation: These define its geographical extent. For more please visit here:
Asia to the north, Africa to the west, Australia to the east, Southern Ocean to the south.
Explanation: These define its geographical extent.
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What is the proportion of freshwater on Earth?
Less than 3% of Earth's water is freshwater. Explanation: Freshwater is found in glaciers, rivers, and underground sources. For more please visit here:
Less than 3% of Earth’s water is freshwater.
Explanation: Freshwater is found in glaciers, rivers, and underground sources.
For more please visit here:
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