When a capacitor is fully charged by a DC source, both the conduction current in the circuit and the displacement current between the plates become zero, as there is no change in the electric field or charge. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapterRead more
When a capacitor is fully charged by a DC source, both the conduction current in the circuit and the displacement current between the plates become zero, as there is no change in the electric field or charge.
Yes, the displacement current will decrease if the frequency of the AC source is reduced. This is because displacement current depends on the rate of change of the electric field, which decreases with lower frequency. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physicRead more
Yes, the displacement current will decrease if the frequency of the AC source is reduced. This is because displacement current depends on the rate of change of the electric field, which decreases with lower frequency.
(a) Ultraviolet (UV) rays are used for water purification as they kill harmful microorganisms. (b) Ultraviolet (UV) laser is used in LASIK eye surgery to reshape the cornea and correct vision problems. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8/
(a) Ultraviolet (UV) rays are used for water purification as they kill harmful microorganisms.
(b) Ultraviolet (UV) laser is used in LASIK eye surgery to reshape the cornea and correct vision problems.
Klystron and magnetron valves produce microwaves. One application of microwaves is in radar systems, where they are used for detecting and tracking objects like aircraft and ships. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8/
Klystron and magnetron valves produce microwaves. One application of microwaves is in radar systems, where they are used for detecting and tracking objects like aircraft and ships.
Infrared waves are produced by the thermal motion of atoms and molecules in a heated object. Their wavelength ranges from 700 nm to 1 mm in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying just beyond visible red light. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8Read more
Infrared waves are produced by the thermal motion of atoms and molecules in a heated object. Their wavelength ranges from 700 nm to 1 mm in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying just beyond visible red light.
Radio waves are produced by the oscillations of electric charges in a conducting antenna. These oscillations generate electromagnetic waves, which propagate through space and are used in communication systems like radios, televisions, and cell phones. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.cRead more
Radio waves are produced by the oscillations of electric charges in a conducting antenna. These oscillations generate electromagnetic waves, which propagate through space and are used in communication systems like radios, televisions, and cell phones.
Welders wear special goggles to protect their eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and infrared (IR) radiation. UV radiation has a frequency range of 8 × 10¹⁴ to 3 × 10¹⁶ Hz, while IR radiation ranges from 3 × 10¹¹ to 4 × 10¹⁴ Hz, both of which can harm the eyes. For more visit here: https://www.tiwRead more
Welders wear special goggles to protect their eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and infrared (IR) radiation. UV radiation has a frequency range of 8 × 10¹⁴ to 3 × 10¹⁶ Hz, while IR radiation ranges from 3 × 10¹¹ to 4 × 10¹⁴ Hz, both of which can harm the eyes.
X-rays are used for studying the crystal structure of solids through X-ray diffraction. Their frequency range is approximately 3 × 10¹⁶ to 3 × 10²⁰ Hz, corresponding to wavelengths between 0.01 to 10 nanometers. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapRead more
X-rays are used for studying the crystal structure of solids through X-ray diffraction. Their frequency range is approximately 3 × 10¹⁶ to 3 × 10²⁰ Hz, corresponding to wavelengths between 0.01 to 10 nanometers.
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with a wavelength of 10⁻¹⁰ m falls under X-rays. One use of X-rays is in medical imaging, where they help in creating images of the inside of the body for diagnosis. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8Read more
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with a wavelength of 10⁻¹⁰ m falls under X-rays. One use of X-rays is in medical imaging, where they help in creating images of the inside of the body for diagnosis.
Gamma rays have the largest penetration power in the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to their high energy and short wavelength, they can penetrate dense materials, including human tissue, and are used in cancer treatment and industrial applications. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/nRead more
Gamma rays have the largest penetration power in the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to their high energy and short wavelength, they can penetrate dense materials, including human tissue, and are used in cancer treatment and industrial applications.
A capicitor has been charged by a d.c. source. What are the magnitudes of conduction and displacement currents, when it is fully charged?
When a capacitor is fully charged by a DC source, both the conduction current in the circuit and the displacement current between the plates become zero, as there is no change in the electric field or charge. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapterRead more
When a capacitor is fully charged by a DC source, both the conduction current in the circuit and the displacement current between the plates become zero, as there is no change in the electric field or charge.
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A variable frequency a.c. source is connected to a capacitor. Will the displacement current change if the frequency of the a.c. source is decreased?
Yes, the displacement current will decrease if the frequency of the AC source is reduced. This is because displacement current depends on the rate of change of the electric field, which decreases with lower frequency. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physicRead more
Yes, the displacement current will decrease if the frequency of the AC source is reduced. This is because displacement current depends on the rate of change of the electric field, which decreases with lower frequency.
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Name the electromagnetic radiations used for (a) water purification and (b) LASIC eye surgery.
(a) Ultraviolet (UV) rays are used for water purification as they kill harmful microorganisms. (b) Ultraviolet (UV) laser is used in LASIK eye surgery to reshape the cornea and correct vision problems. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8/
(a) Ultraviolet (UV) rays are used for water purification as they kill harmful microorganisms.
(b) Ultraviolet (UV) laser is used in LASIK eye surgery to reshape the cornea and correct vision problems.
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Special divices, like the klystron valve or the magnetron valve, are used for oroduction of electromagnetic waves. Name these waves and also write one of their application.
Klystron and magnetron valves produce microwaves. One application of microwaves is in radar systems, where they are used for detecting and tracking objects like aircraft and ships. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8/
Klystron and magnetron valves produce microwaves. One application of microwaves is in radar systems, where they are used for detecting and tracking objects like aircraft and ships.
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How are infrared waves produced? What is the range of their wavelength?
Infrared waves are produced by the thermal motion of atoms and molecules in a heated object. Their wavelength ranges from 700 nm to 1 mm in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying just beyond visible red light. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8Read more
Infrared waves are produced by the thermal motion of atoms and molecules in a heated object. Their wavelength ranges from 700 nm to 1 mm in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying just beyond visible red light.
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How are radio waves produced?
Radio waves are produced by the oscillations of electric charges in a conducting antenna. These oscillations generate electromagnetic waves, which propagate through space and are used in communication systems like radios, televisions, and cell phones. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.cRead more
Radio waves are produced by the oscillations of electric charges in a conducting antenna. These oscillations generate electromagnetic waves, which propagate through space and are used in communication systems like radios, televisions, and cell phones.
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Welders wear special goggles or face masks with glass windows to protect their eyes from electromagnetic radiations. Name the radiations and write the range of their frequency.
Welders wear special goggles to protect their eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and infrared (IR) radiation. UV radiation has a frequency range of 8 × 10¹⁴ to 3 × 10¹⁶ Hz, while IR radiation ranges from 3 × 10¹¹ to 4 × 10¹⁴ Hz, both of which can harm the eyes. For more visit here: https://www.tiwRead more
Welders wear special goggles to protect their eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and infrared (IR) radiation. UV radiation has a frequency range of 8 × 10¹⁴ to 3 × 10¹⁶ Hz, while IR radiation ranges from 3 × 10¹¹ to 4 × 10¹⁴ Hz, both of which can harm the eyes.
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Name the e.m. waves used for studying crystal structure of solids. What is its frequency range?
X-rays are used for studying the crystal structure of solids through X-ray diffraction. Their frequency range is approximately 3 × 10¹⁶ to 3 × 10²⁰ Hz, corresponding to wavelengths between 0.01 to 10 nanometers. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapRead more
X-rays are used for studying the crystal structure of solids through X-ray diffraction. Their frequency range is approximately 3 × 10¹⁶ to 3 × 10²⁰ Hz, corresponding to wavelengths between 0.01 to 10 nanometers.
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Name the part of electromagnetic spectrum whose wavelenght lies in the range of 10-¹⁰ m. Give its one use.
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with a wavelength of 10⁻¹⁰ m falls under X-rays. One use of X-rays is in medical imaging, where they help in creating images of the inside of the body for diagnosis. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-12/physics/chapter-8Read more
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with a wavelength of 10⁻¹⁰ m falls under X-rays. One use of X-rays is in medical imaging, where they help in creating images of the inside of the body for diagnosis.
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Which part of the electromegnetic spectrum has the largest penetration power?
Gamma rays have the largest penetration power in the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to their high energy and short wavelength, they can penetrate dense materials, including human tissue, and are used in cancer treatment and industrial applications. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/nRead more
Gamma rays have the largest penetration power in the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to their high energy and short wavelength, they can penetrate dense materials, including human tissue, and are used in cancer treatment and industrial applications.
For more visit here:
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