The lowest temperature that can be achieved is close to –273.15 °C, also known as 0 kelvin. This temperature is called absolute zero. NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
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No, there is no limit on the highest temperature that can exist in the universe according to current scientific understanding. Chapter 7 Temperature and its Measurement Class VI NCERT Book Curiosity Science
The temperature at the core of the Sun reaches as high as 15 million degrees Celsius. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Chapter 7 Temperature and its Measurement
The data on air temperature, collected from weather stations around the world, is combined with information on other weather parameters. This comprehensive data is then used to predict weather patterns and make reliable weather forecasts. NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science ...
Air temperature is crucial for weather monitoring because it is a key factor in determining weather conditions. The data gathered on air temperature, along with other weather parameters, helps meteorologists make accurate weather forecasts.