Excessive tourism can put pressure on fragile mountain environments, leading to challenges in maintaining the balance between tourism and environmental conservation. Class VI NCERT Social Science Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Chapter 3 Landform and life.
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Mountains are home to many holy sites, and for centuries, people have travelled to these uplands for pilgrimages to seek spiritual fulfilment. Class VI NCERT Social Science Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Chapter 3 Landform and life.
Popular activities that attract tourists to mountains include skiing, hiking, mountaineering, paragliding and visiting scenic landscapes. Class 6 Social Science NCERT Chapter 3 Landform and life. NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
Herding is often preferred over agriculture in mountainous regions because the rough terrain and limited flat land make large-scale farming challenging. Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landform and life Session 2024-2025.
Terrace farming involves cutting steps into the slopes of mountains to create flat areas for cultivation. It is practised because the rugged terrain and steep slopes make regular farming difficult. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landform and life NCERT ...