Subbu’s proximity to the Boss and his ability to assist in various creative ways made him influential at the studio. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Subbu’s proximity to the Boss and his ability to assist in various creative ways made him influential at the studio. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Selma Lagerlof, a Swedish writer, is known for stories with themes of kindness and humanity, like The Rattrap. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Selma Lagerlof, a Swedish writer, is known for stories with themes of kindness and humanity, like The Rattrap. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The peddler imagines the world as a trap, luring people with riches and joys. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The peddler imagines the world as a trap, luring people with riches and joys. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The main character sells homemade rattraps, symbolizing the traps of life. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The main character sells homemade rattraps, symbolizing the traps of life. Therefore option B is correct answer.
He leaves the rattrap with 30 kronor as a sign of his change of heart. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
He leaves the rattrap with 30 kronor as a sign of his change of heart. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Edla’s compassion moves her father, and they let the peddler stay to enjoy Christmas. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Edla’s compassion moves her father, and they let the peddler stay to enjoy Christmas. Therefore option A is correct answer.
The peddler shares his view that the world entraps people with temptations, hoping to make the ironmaster reflect. Therefore option C is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The peddler shares his view that the world entraps people with temptations, hoping to make the ironmaster reflect. Therefore option C is correct answer.
The ironmaster feels deceived when he discovers the peddler is not his old friend. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The ironmaster feels deceived when he discovers the peddler is not his old friend. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The forest symbolizes the trap of temptation, making him feel “caught” after stealing the money. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The forest symbolizes the trap of temptation, making him feel “caught” after stealing the money. Therefore option A is correct answer.
Subbu was not only a creative assistant but also a:
Besides his studio work, Subbu was a talented poet, who often wrote for the masses. Therefore option A is correct answer.
Besides his studio work, Subbu was a talented poet, who often wrote for the masses. Therefore option A is correct answer.
See lessSubbus main advantage over others at Gemini Studios was:
Subbu’s proximity to the Boss and his ability to assist in various creative ways made him influential at the studio. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Subbu’s proximity to the Boss and his ability to assist in various creative ways made him influential at the studio. Therefore option B is correct answer.
See lessWho is the author of The Rattrap?
Selma Lagerlof, a Swedish writer, is known for stories with themes of kindness and humanity, like The Rattrap. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Selma Lagerlof, a Swedish writer, is known for stories with themes of kindness and humanity, like The Rattrap. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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How does the peddler view the world?
The peddler imagines the world as a trap, luring people with riches and joys. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The peddler imagines the world as a trap, luring people with riches and joys. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What does the peddler sell to make a living?
The main character sells homemade rattraps, symbolizing the traps of life. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The main character sells homemade rattraps, symbolizing the traps of life. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What does the peddler leave behind for Edla as a Christmas gift?
He leaves the rattrap with 30 kronor as a sign of his change of heart. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
He leaves the rattrap with 30 kronor as a sign of his change of heart. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What does Edla convince her father to do on Christmas Eve?
Edla’s compassion moves her father, and they let the peddler stay to enjoy Christmas. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Edla’s compassion moves her father, and they let the peddler stay to enjoy Christmas. Therefore option A is correct answer.
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How does the peddler respond when the ironmaster threatens to call the sheriff?
The peddler shares his view that the world entraps people with temptations, hoping to make the ironmaster reflect. Therefore option C is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The peddler shares his view that the world entraps people with temptations, hoping to make the ironmaster reflect. Therefore option C is correct answer.
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What causes the ironmaster to become angry with the peddler?
The ironmaster feels deceived when he discovers the peddler is not his old friend. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The ironmaster feels deceived when he discovers the peddler is not his old friend. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What made the peddler realize he had fallen into a Rattrap?
The forest symbolizes the trap of temptation, making him feel “caught” after stealing the money. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The forest symbolizes the trap of temptation, making him feel “caught” after stealing the money. Therefore option A is correct answer.
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