The author humorously observes that prose writing is for persistent individuals who can handle rejection and continue writing. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author humorously observes that prose writing is for persistent individuals who can handle rejection and continue writing. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The author uses gentle humor and satire to describe the quirks of Gemini Studios and its personalities. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author uses gentle humor and satire to describe the quirks of Gemini Studios and its personalities. Therefore option A is correct answer.
The author felt a connection with Spender’s experience of disillusionment with Communism, mirroring the views held at Gemini Studios. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author felt a connection with Spender’s experience of disillusionment with Communism, mirroring the views held at Gemini Studios. Therefore option A is correct answer.
The God That Failed was a book of essays by intellectuals, including Spender, describing their disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The God That Failed was a book of essays by intellectuals, including Spender, describing their disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The author felt a connection to Spender upon discovering him in a book about disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author felt a connection to Spender upon discovering him in a book about disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The Gemini Studios staff knew little about who he was, leading to confusion about the purpose of his visit. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The Gemini Studios staff knew little about who he was, leading to confusion about the purpose of his visit. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The letter from the peddler explains his gratitude and transformation. Therefore option C is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The letter from the peddler explains his gratitude and transformation. Therefore option C is correct answer.
The office boy joined the studio hoping to become a star, but ended up doing menial tasks in the makeup department. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The office boy joined the studio hoping to become a star, but ended up doing menial tasks in the makeup department. Therefore option B is correct answer.
What realization did the author come to about prose writing by the end of the chapter?
The author humorously observes that prose writing is for persistent individuals who can handle rejection and continue writing. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author humorously observes that prose writing is for persistent individuals who can handle rejection and continue writing. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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Which of the following best describes the authors tone in Poets and Pancakes?
The author uses gentle humor and satire to describe the quirks of Gemini Studios and its personalities. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author uses gentle humor and satire to describe the quirks of Gemini Studios and its personalities. Therefore option A is correct answer.
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Why did the encounter with Spender’s work become meaningful to the author?
The author felt a connection with Spender’s experience of disillusionment with Communism, mirroring the views held at Gemini Studios. Therefore option A is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author felt a connection with Spender’s experience of disillusionment with Communism, mirroring the views held at Gemini Studios. Therefore option A is correct answer.
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What was the title of the book where the author found Spenders name years later?
The God That Failed was a book of essays by intellectuals, including Spender, describing their disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The God That Failed was a book of essays by intellectuals, including Spender, describing their disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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How did the author describe his connection to the British poet Stephen Spender years later?
The author felt a connection to Spender upon discovering him in a book about disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The author felt a connection to Spender upon discovering him in a book about disillusionment with Communism. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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Why was there confusion among the Gemini Studios staff regarding the English visitor’s identity?
The Gemini Studios staff knew little about who he was, leading to confusion about the purpose of his visit. Therefore option B is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The Gemini Studios staff knew little about who he was, leading to confusion about the purpose of his visit. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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What does the letter from the peddler explain?
The letter from the peddler explains his gratitude and transformation. Therefore option C is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The letter from the peddler explains his gratitude and transformation. Therefore option C is correct answer.
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Why did the Boss of Gemini Studios decide to give the English visitor a grand welcome?
The Boss wanted to make a good impression, believing the visitor to be an important English poet or editor. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The Boss wanted to make a good impression, believing the visitor to be an important English poet or editor. Therefore option B is correct answer.
See lessWhich event inspired Tamil theatre to imitate the stage design from the MRA plays?
Tamil theatre adopted the sunrise and sunset scenes from Jotham Valley, a popular MRA play performed in Madras. Therefore option B is correct answer.
Tamil theatre adopted the sunrise and sunset scenes from Jotham Valley, a popular MRA play performed in Madras. Therefore option B is correct answer.
See lessWhy was the office boy in the makeup department frustrated?
The office boy joined the studio hoping to become a star, but ended up doing menial tasks in the makeup department. Therefore option B is correct answer.
The office boy joined the studio hoping to become a star, but ended up doing menial tasks in the makeup department. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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