Some of the desired outcomes of cross-breeding indigenous and exotic poultry breeds include improved egg production, faster growth rates for meat production, enhanced disease resistance, and better overall adaptability to different environmental conditions.
Arun Dhawan/Questions
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Arun Dhawan
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
An indigenous Indian poultry breed commonly used in cross-breeding programs is the Aseel, and an exotic foreign poultry breed is the Leghorn.
Arun Dhawan
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Answer: Cross-breeding programs are conducted between Indian (indigenous) breeds, such as Aseel, and foreign (exotic) breeds, such as Leghorn, to improve variety and develop breeds that have desirable traits from both types, such as better egg production, improved growth rates, ...
Arun Dhawan
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
The two main types of poultry breeds developed through improved breeding programs are layers, which are bred for egg production, and broilers, which are bred for meat production.