If the strap of a school bag is thin, while holding the bag full of books, the total weight falls on a smaller surface area of the shoulder of the student, which means a higher pressure on the shoulder, and hence a difficulty in holding the bag.
If the strap of a school bag is thin, while holding the bag full of books, the total weight falls on a smaller surface area of the shoulder of the student, which means a higher pressure on the shoulder, and hence a difficulty in holding the bag.
This is because the area of camel's feet is larger as compared to the area of the feet of man, and so, the pressure exerted by camel on the sandy surface is smaller as compared to the pressure exerted by man.
This is because the area of camel’s feet is larger as compared to the area of the feet of man, and so, the pressure exerted by camel on the sandy surface is smaller as compared to the pressure exerted by man.
Why is it difficult to hold a school bag having a thin strap?
If the strap of a school bag is thin, while holding the bag full of books, the total weight falls on a smaller surface area of the shoulder of the student, which means a higher pressure on the shoulder, and hence a difficulty in holding the bag.
If the strap of a school bag is thin, while holding the bag full of books, the total weight falls on a smaller surface area of the shoulder of the student, which means a higher pressure on the shoulder, and hence a difficulty in holding the bag.
See lessWhy a camel can walk easily on a sandy surface than a man, inspite of the fact that the camel is much heavier than the man?
This is because the area of camel's feet is larger as compared to the area of the feet of man, and so, the pressure exerted by camel on the sandy surface is smaller as compared to the pressure exerted by man.
This is because the area of camel’s feet is larger as compared to the area of the feet of man, and so, the pressure exerted by camel on the sandy surface is smaller as compared to the pressure exerted by man.
See lessWhat is thrust?
The acting force on a body perpendicular to its surface is known as thrust.
The acting force on a body perpendicular to its surface is known as thrust.
See lessWhat is weight?
The force with which the earth attracts a body is called its weight.
The force with which the earth attracts a body is called its weight.
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