The term might sound confusing but look for the answer the book. It is not there and even if you find one. It is described in a way that you have to memories it. Instead of understanding. So I checked ...
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This the question from Macroeconomics, NCERT solutions for class 12. Here I have certain doubts about the concept of this question. The tem could refer something else. Do you know any other way to explain this question easy?
This question is taken from consumer’s Equilibrium and demand chapter 2, from class 12th NCERT solution for 2022 – 2023 sesstion exams. The question is among important question.
I was practicing the questions for the MCQ exams for the session 2022- 2023 from NCERT solution for Economics of class 12th. I was stuck in this question. Tell me the answer if anyone get it.
This question was given in class 12 NCERT economics. And I tried to Google and I saw many questions been addressed here by the students and teachers. Lemme try my luck.