A composition in Indian classical music is a structured arrangement of melody (raga), rhythm (tala) and lyrics. It serves as a foundation for improvisation and includes bandish (Hindustani) or kritis (Carnatic).
Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music solutions
Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 8 Taal or Talam and Raga or Ragam in Indian Music question answer
In Indian classical music, a composition is a structured blend of melody (raga), rhythm (tala) and lyrics (if present). It acts as a framework for musicians to improvise within set rules. Hindustani music compositions are called bandish, while Carnatic music uses kritis. Each composition follows a specific laya (tempo) and conveys a distinct rasa (mood). The structure of compositions enables both vocal and instrumental performances, preserving traditional music forms.