Sit in Sukhāsana with a straight back, focus on breathing, and chant the opening prayer. After Yoga practices, conclude with the closing prayer, express gratitude and relax by gently rubbing palms over closed eyes.
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi solutions
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 6 Unit 5 Krida Yoga Question Answer
1. Sit in Sukhāsana with a straight back, relaxed face, and hands in Cin Mudra.
2. Focus on breathing for a few seconds to center yourself.
3. Begin with the opening prayer, chanting “Om” and observing its resonance.
4. Perform the Yoga practices as guided, maintaining mindfulness.
5. End with the closing prayer, expressing gratitude and wishing universal peace.
6. Rub palms gently, place them over closed eyes, and relax before opening them gradually.