When white light replaces monochromatic light, interference patterns of different colors overlap. The central fringe is white, as all colors align there. Closest fringes to the center are red, and farthest are blue-violet, as violet fringes are narrower and red wider. Beyond a few fringes, patterns blur due to overlapping of different colors.
Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 Wave Optics Session 2024-2025.
What is the effect on the enterference fringes in a Young’s double-slitexperiment if monochromatic source is replaced by a source of whitr light?
If the monochromatic source in Young’s double-slit experiment is replaced by white light, the central fringe remains white, while the surrounding fringes appear as overlapping colored spectra. Each color interferes differently due to varying wavelengths, leading to a sequence of rainbow-like fringes. Beyond a few fringes, the colors overlap completely, producing a uniform white light pattern.
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