Volume refers to the amount of space that an object or substance occupies. It is a measure of how much space is inside a container or how large an object is. For example, the volume of a liquid like water ...
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Mass refers to the amount of matter or substance in an object. It tells us how heavy or light an object is. Mass is measured in units like grams (g) or kilograms (kg). For example, a book might have a ...
Governments operate at least on local and national levels, with some countries, like India, also having an intermediate state or regional level. Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
Insoluble materials are substances that do not dissolve in liquids like water. When added to water, these materials do not mix or form a solution; instead, they remain separate and can often be seen as solid particles. For example, sand, ...
An example of a soluble material is salt. When you add salt to water, it dissolves completely, forming a clear solution. The particles of salt mix evenly with the water, and you can no longer see the individual grains of ...