People engage in various types of work to earn a living, fulfill personal interests, and contribute to society. Different skills, needs, and opportunities drive this diversity, supporting societal functioning and individual growth. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 13 The Value of ...
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The four main learning activities include listening (absorbing knowledge), reading (understanding concepts), writing (expressing ideas), and practical application (using knowledge in real-world scenarios). These ensure comprehensive learning and skill development. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 13 The Value of Work question ...
People engage in economic activities, like farming, teaching, or business, and non-economic activities, such as volunteering and caregiving. Both types are essential for economic stability and personal and social well-being. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 13 The Value of Work question ...
Compensation for economic activities includes wages, salaries, fees, or payments in kind. For instance, workers earn wages, professionals charge fees, and farmers may receive goods in return for their labor. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 13 The Value of Work question ...
An example of payment in kind is a farm worker receiving a portion of crops as compensation instead of cash. This system benefits both parties by reducing monetary dependency and ensuring fair exchange. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and ...