Traditional units of length, like a “foot” or a “yard,” can be unreliable because they vary from person to person or place to place. For example, one person’s foot might be longer than another person’s, making measurements inconsistent. Also, these ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
The executive is led by a president, prime minister, or chief minister, depending on the country’s governance structure. Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy – Part 1 Governance Session 2024-2025.
To measure the length of a thread, you can use a ruler or a measuring tape. First, stretch the thread straight along a flat surface. Then, use the ruler or tape to measure from one end of the thread to ...
If the ends of a scale are broken, it becomes difficult to measure accurately. The scale may no longer have clear starting or ending points, which can lead to errors in measurements. For example, if the zero point is missing, ...
The smallest measurement unit on a typical ruler is usually 1 millimeter (mm). A millimeter is one-tenth of a centimeter, and most rulers have small marks between the centimeters to show these millimeters. These tiny divisions help measure objects more ...
To measure the length of a curved line, you can use a thread or a flexible measuring tape. First, place the thread along the curved line and carefully follow the shape of the curve. Once the thread covers the entire ...
Oscillatory motion is the repetitive back-and-forth movement of an object around a central point or position. It occurs in a regular pattern, where the object moves to one side, then returns to the original position, and repeats the motion. A ...
Circular motion refers to the movement of an object along a circular path or around a central point. This can happen in a complete circle or part of a circle. For example, when a ball is tied to a string ...
To measure large distances, like from one city to another, the unit kilometer (km) is typically used. One kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters, making it a convenient unit for measuring long distances. For example, if you travel from one ...
A reference point is a fixed place or object used to compare the position of something else. It helps in understanding where something is located or how far it is from a certain place. For example, when measuring the length ...