Three points, A, B, and C, yield three unique lines: AB, BC, and AC. These lines form three angles: ∠ABC, ∠BCA, and ∠CAB. Mark angles with a curve for proper identification. Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 2 Lines and Angles class ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
∠APC cannot be labeled as ∠P because the vertex P has multiple angles meeting there. To avoid ambiguity, angles must include points on the arms, ensuring clarity about which angle is referred to. Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 2 Lines ...
To draw this angle, place point S as the vertex. Draw two rays, ST and SR, starting at S and extending in different directions. Label S as the vertex, and T and R on the arms. Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 ...
Yes, the angles in the pictures can be identified by locating the rays and their common vertex. For one angle, draw the rays extending from the vertex and label the point accordingly. Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 Lines and Angles question ...
Yes, angles are created by the rotation of one arm relative to a fixed arm. The degree of this rotation determines the size of the angle, ranging from acute to reflex. Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 Lines and Angles question answer Class ...
Yes, angles are visible in each case. The arms of the angles are the two rays forming the angle, and the vertex is the common point where these rays meet, marking the angle’s origin. Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 Lines and ...
The rays in Fig. 2.5 are TA and TB. Point T serves as the starting point for both rays, as rays originate from a specific point and extend infinitely in one direction. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Lines and Angles Class 6 ...
The line segments in Fig. 2.4 are LM, MQ, and QR. Point P lies on one line segment, MQ. Points M and Q lie on two line segments, connecting LM-MQ and MQ-QR respectively. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Lines and Angles Class ...
Non-economic activities are those that do not generate income or wealth. These activities are performed out of feelings like love, care, gratitude, or respect, rather than for monetary gain, such as parents helping children with schoolwork. Class VI Social Science ...
An example of an economic activity is a business person selling school bags in the market. The transaction involves the exchange of money for goods, creating income for the seller. Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Social Science ...