Water vapor is crucial in weather forecasting as it influences cloud formation, precipitation, and storm development. By analyzing humidity and vapor levels, meteorologists can predict weather conditions and anticipate changes in atmospheric moisture.
Category: Class 6 Science
NCERT Solutions and Important Questions for class 6 Science for CBSE exams 2020-2021.
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During a heatwave, water temperatures rise significantly, leading to increased evaporation rates. This can strain water resources, affect aquatic ecosystems, and intensify heat-related impacts on human health and infrastructure.
Water’s high specific heat capacity means it can absorb and store large amounts of heat, moderating temperature fluctuations. This property helps stabilize climate by preventing rapid temperature changes in oceans and large water bodies.
Ice formation is significant as it affects ecosystems, climate, and sea levels. It provides habitats for polar species, influences ocean circulation, and helps regulate Earth’s temperature by reflecting sunlight back into space.
Water regulates climate by absorbing and releasing heat during evaporation and condensation. This moderates temperature fluctuations and influences weather patterns. Oceans, lakes, and clouds play crucial roles in maintaining Earth’s climate stability.
Glaciers form from the accumulation and compaction of snow over time. As layers of snow build up, they compress into ice due to the weight, eventually flowing as glaciers under the influence of gravity.
The water cycle is crucial as it continuously circulates water through different states and locations, supporting life, regulating climate, and enabling weather patterns. It includes processes like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
Water’s density decreases as temperature rises, with the exception of the range near 4°C, where it reaches its maximum density. Above or below this temperature, water becomes less dense as it heats or cools.
Climbers show movement by winding themselves around any object placed close to them. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics
Drosera has saucer-shaped leaves with hair-like projections of unequal length that have sticky ends. When an insect enters the saucer, the hairs move inward, trapping the insect with their sticky ends. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 10 NCERT Science Textbook ...