Sieving separates components based on size by passing the mixture through a mesh or screen. Smaller particles pass through the openings, while larger particles are retained, making it ideal for granular materials.
Category: Class 6 Science
NCERT Solutions and Important Questions for class 6 Science for CBSE exams 2020-2021.
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Centrifugation separates components based on density using rapid spinning. The centrifugal force pushes denser materials to the bottom, allowing lighter components to remain on top for easy separation.
Decantation relies on gravity to separate components with different densities. By slowly pouring off the top layer, the heavier sediment remains at the bottom, allowing the lighter liquid to be separated.
Filtration works by passing a mixture through a filter medium that allows only certain components to pass through while trapping others. It effectively separates solids from liquids or gases.
Common home separation methods include filtering, sieving, and centrifugation. For instance, using a sieve to separate flour from lumps or a coffee filter to separate coffee grounds from liquid are everyday examples.
Separation refers to methods used to divide or isolate components from a mixture, such as filtering sand from water or separating oil from vinegar. It is a practical process used in various situations.
The touch-me-not plant, also known as Mimosa or chhui-mui, folds its leaves when touched. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 10 NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
Plants respond to stimuli, such as the touch-me-not plant (Mimosa) folding its leaves when touched. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 10 NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
The body’s instant response is to quickly withdraw the foot from the sharp object. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics
Evaporation is used in everyday life for processes like drying clothes, concentrating fruit juices, and salt production. It helps remove water or other liquids, leaving behind solid residues or concentrated solutions.