First, use water to dissolve the salt, then filter to separate the sawdust. Next, remove the salt solution through evaporation, leaving salt crystals. Finally, remove the potatoes by hand from the remaining mixture.
Category: Class 6 Science
NCERT Solutions and Important Questions for class 6 Science for CBSE exams 2020-2021.
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Masks are typically made of layers of non-woven fabric, such as polypropylene. Their role is to filter out airborne particles, including viruses and bacteria, helping to protect both the wearer and others.
Nasal hair functions like a filter, trapping dust and particles from the air we breathe. This process is similar to filtration, where particles are separated from a fluid using a filter medium.
Decantation is used instead of filtration when separating liquids from larger, settled solids. It’s ideal for mixtures where solids have settled at the bottom, like separating oil from water or sediment from clear liquids.
Sedimentation separates particles from a liquid by allowing gravity to pull heavier particles down to the bottom. The clearer liquid can then be decanted or removed from above the settled particles.
After sunset, the leaves of certain plants fold or come together, like the sleeping leaves of the amla (Indian gooseberry) tree. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics
Simple distillation separates liquids with significantly different boiling points, while fractional distillation separates mixtures with closer boiling points. Fractional distillation uses a fractionating column to improve separation efficiency.
Chromatography separates mixtures based on the differing rates at which components move through a stationary phase. It’s useful for separating and analyzing complex mixtures, like inks or chemical compounds.
Evaporation separates components by turning the liquid into vapor, leaving behind any dissolved solids. As the liquid evaporates, the solid residues remain, making it useful for purifying solutions.
Magnetic separation uses magnets to attract magnetic materials away from non-magnetic ones. It’s effective for separating metals from mixtures or for removing iron filings from other substances.