leaf flew branch climbed fell stream hunter A dove was resting on a ___________ of a tree ...
Category: Class 3 English Santoor
NCERT Solutions for class 3 English – NCERT Text book Santoor question answers for academic session 2024-25.
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1. Do you remember when you fell down last time? How did you fall? Who picked you up? Share your experiences. 2. Do you have a pet? Do you know someone who has a pet? 3. If you were allowed ...
1. What did Badal come across by the side of the road? 2. What did Badal and his mother’s name the puppy? 3. What did Badal fall into? 4. How did Moti find Badal? Badal found a puppy, Moti, whom he ...
1. The children in the poem shared their crayons. Do you share anything with your friends? What do you share? 2. You have only green, blue and red crayons. Talk in pairs what you would want to draw. I share things ...
1. How many children are there in the poem? 2. Why did the children want to share the crayons? 3. How can the children in the poem have a full pack? In this poem:-Two friends shared crayons—red and black—to complete their ...
I felt really happy to help my friend! NCERT Class 3 English (Santoor). CBSE 2024-25, NEP 2020 Page no. 3 English Question no. 5
NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor). National Education Policy 2020 Page No. 3 Question no. 4
Duck helps hen and chicks cross stream safely. Friends stick together, reaching other side. NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor) Page 3 Question no. 3
The duck devises a plan, carrying the hen across water. Their friendly act of helping reflects a deep bond, affirming their strong friendship captured in the pictures. 🦆🐔 Duck and hen are friends, play together, help each other. Class 3 English ...
NCERT Class 3 English Textbook Santoor Question Answers Page No. 3 Question no. 1 National Education Policy 2020, NEP 2020