Resistance is given by R = p L/A . Given La/Lb = 1/2 and da/db = 2/3, so Aa/Ab = 2/3 2 = 4/g. thus, Ra/Rb = (1/2)/(4g) = 9/8. Since V ∝ R in series, Va/Vb = Ra/Rb = ...
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Gopal001 Das
Asked: In: Class 12 Physics
For balance, p/Q = R/Seq . Given S = 3Ω, let shunt resistance be x. Using Seq = 3x/3+x = 2Ω. solving gives x = 2Ω. Answer: (b) 2Ω. Class 12th Science Physics NCERT MCQ Questions NCERT Books MCQ Questions ...
Gopal001 Das
Asked: In: Class 12 Physics
In a potentiometer, emf ∝ balancing length. Given v/1.5V = U3/Lx , solving for Lx gives Lx = L/3. Answer: (c) l/3. Class 12th Science Physics NCERT MCQ Questions NCERT Books MCQ Questions Session 2024-2025.
Janvi Shinha
Asked: In: Class 12 Physics
In a meter bridge, the balancing condition is R / S = L / (100 – L). Given R = 2 Ω and L = 40 cm, we get 2 / S = 40 / 60. Solving for S, S ...
Janvi Shinha
Asked: In: Class 12 Physics