Binding energy per nucleon of light nuclei is less and these are unstable. The binding energy per nucleon of the nucleus formed, as a result of fusion, is comparatively higher and nucleus is stable. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei ...
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Nuclear fusion reaction taking place under extreme high temperature (= 10⁹ K) is called a thermonuclear reaction. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Session 2024-2025.
Since energy is released during fusion process, hence the binding energy per nucleon of the daughter nucleus is more. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Session 2024-2025.
Nuclear fusion reaction. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Session 2024-2025.
No, the binding energy of ³₁H is more than that of ³₂He Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Session 2024-2025.
Amount of energy needed to split up a nucleus into its individual nucleons is called its binding energy. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Session 2024-2025.
Densities of both nuclei are equal because nuclear density is independent of the mass number of a nuclide. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Session 2024-2025.
Ionisation energy of an atom is defined as the energy required to remove an electron from ground state energy level to its free state. Ionisation energy of hydrogen is E = + me⁴/ 8€o²n²h² = + 13.6 eV . Class ...
Two important limitations of Rutherford nuclear model of the atom are as follows: (i) An electron revolving in a circular orbit is an example of accelerated motion. According to classical Physics, a particle in accelerated motion must radiate energy. Consequently, ...
Basic assumptions of Rutherford’s atom model are as follows: (i) The nucleus of an atom contains whole positive charge and almost whole mass of the atom. Size of a nucleus is extremely small as compared to the overall size of ...