Remember that, a nephron is a filtering unit present in kidney. It has different parts like Bowman’s capsule, glomerulus and tubular region (renal tubule). Glucose and amino acids and salts are selectively reabsorbed in tubular region.
Category: Class 10 Science
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science and important questions for CBSE class 10 for session 2020-2021
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Yeast is a unicellular eukaryote which carries out ethanol fermentation. In the first phase, glucose is converted into pyruvate (glycolysis) in the cytoplasm of the cell & produce ethanol and carbon dioxide in the second phase. Due to limited oxygen ...
Class 10th Science Session 2022-23 Class 10 Science Terminal Exams MCQ Solutions Class X Science MCQ Extra Questions Answers 10th Science Terminal Exam Based MCQ Extra Questions
[I] The temperature of the solution increases [II] The temperature of the solution decreases [III] The temperature of the solution remains the same [IV] Salt formation takes place
Amoeba engulf its food particles by performing pseudopodia around it. The food particles get surrounded by encircling pseudopodia’s tips. Pseudopodia (false feet) are developed in amoeba. At this point the cell membrane closer to food particle gets dissolved and the ...